
To practice bonseki, a guide and tools are essential to practice. A basic but complete kit includes eight grades of white calcite sand and their respective regrading sieves, shaping feathers, and other tools for the sand arrangement. An appropriate tray and reference images for guides are also helpful to begin, as well. Principle stones may be purchased, or you can use ones you’ve found and love. Currently, I can supply limited amounts of the following items: sand, feathers, brooms & pans, moon dies, spoons, sieves, and other decorative figurines, etc.

***Please use the contact page to inquire about what you are looking for.***

Reference images from the Bonseki Kudensho (a classic reference from 1765) will be posted in Summer 2023.

  • “Ikebana to Bonseki” by Keinosuke Matoba (1919)

  • “Katsura no maki” by Katsuno Hakuen (1915)
